Notice pursuant to Article 13 of EU Regulation 679/2016

With reference to the personal data that Ecosole S.r.l. will come into possession of regarding your position, the following information is provided:

  1. Purpose of Processing.

The processing is aimed solely at the correct and complete execution of the contract between the parties or pre-contractual measures at the request of the customer/supplier. The basis for processing is (i) the execution of a contract to which the data subject is a party or pre-contractual measures taken at the request of the same, (ii) the fulfillment of legal obligations to which the controller is subject, (iii) the legitimate interest of the controller concerning the sending of informational and promotional communications related to the controller’s activities.

  1. Methods of Data Processing.

Processing can be carried out with or without the aid of electronic tools; processing is performed by the controller and/or by persons expressly authorized by the same and/or by external data processors. Processing related to the sending of informational and promotional communications may include aggregated data on the opening rates of communications to ensure quality standards in the delivery of communications.

  1. Provision of Data.

The provision of common personal data is strictly necessary for carrying out the activities referred to in point 1. Any refusal by the data subject to provide personal data as specified in point 3 makes it impossible to carry out the activities referred to in point 1.

  1. Communication of Data.

Personal data may become known to data processors and may be communicated for the purposes referred to in point 1 to company collaborators, external collaborators, and, in general, to all those public and private entities whose communication is necessary for the correct fulfillment of the purposes indicated in point 1. Personal data are not subject to dissemination.

  1. Transfer of Data Abroad and Profiling.

Data may be transferred to countries outside the European Union in the context of the controller’s collaboration with selected technological partners and/or within certification activities to which the controller is subject. Where data are transferred to countries outside the European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area (EEA) that have not been deemed adequate by the European Commission, the "transfer tools" referred to in Article 46 of the GDPR will be used, evaluating the provision of "supplementary measures" to ensure a level of protection substantially equivalent to that required by EU law.

Data are not subject to profiling.

  1. Rights of the Data Subject.

The data subject has the right to obtain access to personal data, the rectification or erasure of such data, the restriction of the processing concerning them, to object to the processing, to data portability, and to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority (Privacy Guarantor).

  1. Duration of Processing.

Data will be retained for ten years from the completion of the service.

Data processed for informational and promotional purposes will be retained until the user unsubscribes, which can be done via a link in each email or by communicating through the email address indicated in the following point.

  1. Data Controller.

The data controller is Ecosole S.r.l. Unipersonale, Via della Tecnica n. 8/a, 37066, Sommacampagna (VR), email: